Sunday, July 5, 2009

Day 13

This is more of a t-shirt design than a "logo," per se... but I'm counting it. Unfortunately I didn't get to put much time in on this one, but it's a mock up t-shirt for a blood donor drive at a children's hospital. I thought it might force me to work on my "cute" muscles that don't get exercised very often.


  1. That's great for a blood drive! Thanks for visiting my blog. I just went to your ETSY site and I LOVE your Barbie Murder Samplers! They are awesome. I think I'll have to get a few soon, Kym

  2. Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you like the logos & the shots :)

  3. Nice! I like the little blood drop with the smiley face!!

  4. Hi Beth! Thanks for your comments on our blog this morning. Looks like we have that storage thing in common. I put them in little containers - THEN in 2 weeks, I move them to different little containers.. and so it goes.

    ANYWAY... love your blood donation logos. Is the t-shirt for someone who just gave blood? Once, I saw a poster that said "Give blood - give life" and it stuck with me (when many things just slide in and back out of the ol' brain).

    And your martini bar logos are soooooo cute!!!!!

    jane :)

  5. Yep, that's the idea with the shirt/logo thing there. I've done designs for the free shirts that folks get after they give blood before, and I wanted to try doing a "cute" one. heheh

    Now to finish another set so I can post again!

  6. Hello, I'm letting you know that you've been awarded the "One Lovely Blog" award! I've added your blog to my list, and you can view it here:

  7. Thank you so much! Now I just need to find time to get a list together! :D
